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- Enrollment
Enrollment Program Setup
In this guide, you will learn
- About the enrollment feature
- How to set up an enrollment program
- How to create and manage your applicants' options
About Enrollment
The Enrollment feature allows you to create and manage the application process for students interested in attending your school or program. This feature can be used for any class or program that requires an application process, such as school years, field trips, classes, or extracurricular activities. It simplifies the process by automatically generating applications and allowing you to customize them to fit your program's needs.
Creating an Enrollment Program
Follow these steps to set up an enrollment process:
1. Create a New Program
- Navigate to the Enrollment section in the Admin panel and click + Add New Program.
- Enter a specific name for your program (e.g., "[School Name] Fall Semester 2026").
- Choose an existing Term or create a new one.
- Click Create to access your program and start adding details and options.
2. Program Setup
- Overview: Fill in the relevant details about your program in the Overview section. Be sure to save each section after making changes.
- Options: Under the Options tab, create at least one program option (e.g., Half-Day Enrollment, Full-Day Enrollment). Organize options into categories if needed.
- Customize the Application: Once your options are set up, you can customize the application by selecting required fields, adding custom fields, and saving the application form.
3. Sharing the Application
After customizing, copy the application link and share it with potential applicants through email, social media, or your website.
4. Manage Applications in the Funnel
Submitted applications will appear under Pending in the Funnel tab. Review each application and move it to Accepted, Waitlist, or Rejected. You can send custom email notifications to inform applicants of their status.
Creating and Managing Options within your Program
Options define the selections applicants can make within your program, such as class types, enrollment periods, or specific programs. Examples include
- Half-Day Enrollment
- Full-Day Enrollment
- Grade School Enrollment
- High School Enrollment
- Enrollment for specific classes (e.g., Biology, Piano Lessons)
If your program only has one option (e.g., a specific school year or event), create an option with the name of your program (e.g., "2025-2026 School Year"). This option will be pre-selected for applicants, and no selection will be required.
Creating Options
- Go to the Options tab within your enrollment program.
- Click + Add Option and fill out the option details. Only the name is required.
- Click Save to add the option. Repeat for additional options.
Using Categories if Needed
Categories help you organize your options and make it easier for applicants to navigate. Examples of categories with their corresponding options include
- Category: General Program
- Full-time
- Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
- Tuesdays, Thursdays
- Category: Electives
- Automotive
- Photography
- Entrepreneurship
- Drawing 101
To create a category, click + Add Category, provide a name and description, then click Save.
You can organize options within categories by clicking on a category and adding options there. Existing options can also be moved to different categories by selecting the category from the dropdown box.