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  2. Students

Student Management

In this guide, you will learn

  • Why students are a vital part of your Spark platform
  • How to add students
  • How to manage a student's status
  • How to increase or decrease the number of students on your Spark subscription

Students in Your Spark Platform

Students are an important part of your Spark school. You can

  • Create assignments, goals, and activities for your students.
  • Link students to their own portal, where they can view and submit assignments and goal progress.
  • Chat with students through their portal.
  • Store student information for your records.
  • Keep attendance and grade records for students.
  • Generate reports for students.
  • Create guardians for students.
  • Share vital information through the guardian portal, such as reports, forms, announcements, emails, and invoices.

Adding Students

Students can be added manually (one at a time or in bulk), or through an enrollment application.

Adding Students Manually

To add students one at a time:

  1. Navigate to the Students section on the left navigation bar.
  2. Click +Add New Student, enter the required information.
  3. Determine the student's status.
  4. Click Create Student.

New Student modal

To add many students at once:

  1. Navigate to the Students section in the left navigation bar.
  2. Click + Add New Student.
  3. In the modal, switch to the Bulk tab.
  4. Select the student status.
  5. Choose + Add Student to enter details manually or Add via CSV to upload a file.
  6. Click Save when finished.

Additional student information can be added to the student profile after creation. See the Student Information page for more information.

New student bulk modal

Adding Students through Enrollment Application

To create students through an enrollment application:

  1. Set Up Enrollment – Create an enrollment program and start receiving applications (see the Enrollment help docs for details).
  2. Open an Application – Navigate to the Student section within the application.
  3. Create the Student – Click + Create New & Link Data to automatically generate a student profile in Spark, pre-filled with relevant application data.

Student Statuses

Students can have different statuses based on their enrollment status in your school. These statuses determine their access and functionality within Spark. Only active students count toward your subscription cost and have full access, including the student portal.


  • Students currently active in your school.
  • Count in the subscription cost.
  • Have access to the Student Portal.
  • Appear on all lists (for new assignments, grade entries, etc).
  • All data is editable.


  • Potential students.
  • Do not count in subscription cost.
  • Functionality is limited to classroom rosters and profile information.
  • Have no Student Portal access.
  • Do not appear on lists (for new assignments, grade entries, etc).


  • Students who were once active but are now inactive in your school.
  • Do not count in subscription cost.
  • Information is saved but read-only.
  • Have no Student Portal access.
  • Do not appear on lists (for new assignments, grade entries, etc).


  • Students who have completed your program.
  • Do not count in subscription cost.
  • Information is saved but read-only.
  • Have no Student Portal access.
  • Do not appear on lists (for new assignments, grade entries, etc).

Managing Student Statuses

When creating a student, you can assign their status. You can filter the Students page to view specific statuses or see all students at once. Student statuses can also be updated anytime.

Viewing Student Status Lists

  1. Go to Admin → People → Students.
  2. Click the Status dropdown at the top of the table and select a status to filter the list.
  3. To view all students, click Clear Filters.

Changing Student Statuses

  1. Navigate to Admin → People → Students and select the appropriate status list.
  2. Select the students you want to update.
  3. Click Actions at the top of the table.
  4. Choose the new status from the dropdown.
  5. If changing a non-active student to Active, you may be prompted to adjust your subscription’s student count.

To completely delete a student, contact Spark at hello@sparkschools.co.

Adding Students to Your Spark Subscription

  • To change the number of students on your plan, go to School, click Manage Billing Details, and select Update Subscription. Adjust the number of students and confirm your changes.
  • The Microschool plan includes 25 students, with additional students costing $1.49 each. For 50 or more students, contact hello@sparkschools.co for custom pricing.
  • The Homeschool plan includes three students, with the option to add more for $1.49 each.
  • Non-active students are not included in your subscription student count.

School Subscription page


Next Topic:
Student Information
Student Information